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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 12, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PST

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new this morning, did he breach national security? hear what david petraeus is being asked to do now after admitting to an extramarital affair. also new efforts this morning to try and end a strike at one bay area food chain. and ski season has arrived at some california resorts. we now know when key resorts near lake tahoe plan to open. right now we take you live outside for a look over san francisco. that is the beautiful bay bridge before the sun comes up on this monday, november 12th. this is "today in the bay." very good morning to one and all. it is 4:30 on the nose. i'm jon kelley. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. lots to get to this morning. first let's check that forecast with christina loren. it was a cold one. >> the past couple mornings very close to breaking temperature
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records. this morning we bumped your numbers up just a few degrees but still close to freezing in places like livermore, novato, also gilroy just one degree away, so grab that coat. you won't need it all day. we'll describe your full forecast when the rain returns because that's on the seven-day. first, 4:31. good morning, mike. >> good morning, folks. we showed you the view of the bay bridge from san francisco. here's the opposite direction looking at the incline and the beautiful city by the bay. we see traffic moving smoothly. we'll get the maps and see there's a little slowing coming up the incline as you might imagine. a pretty typical spot. it's not because of the volume, it's just because folks are taking it easy right now. south 280 right around truesdale we had an earlier car fire blocking the left lane. no injuries but you might see some crews there so stay over to your right heading south of 380 down towards san mateo for the time being. but there's no slowing right
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now. we'll check the rest of your commute coming up. it is 4:32. family and friends of a 19-year-old hayward man found dead say they want justice and answers from police. last night during a candlelight vigil they shared their grief and outrage. grief over the fact the body was found outside the building last tuesday. outrage over the fact that his father reported him missing november 1st. a case family members say police are not treating as a priority. the family spent days searching for him, not realizing his body was not far from home. >> we didn't even think that he was over here and it was so hard for us. >> all these people here burst out crying, but i've got to be strong for my son. he can't see me suffer here for him. >> hayward police are treating the case as a homicide. there have been no arrests or
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details on any suspects. union reps are striking grocery workers back at the bargaining table this morning. talks resuming yesterday morning after a week long of strikes. both sides still at odds over wages and benefits. the supermarket chain says it needs to eliminate health care benefits to compete. workers say they can't afford to go to work without health care benefits. there's about 40 stores in the bay area. total affected by this strike. the picket lines will continue until a deal is made. the fallout continues following the sudden resignation of cia director general david petraeus after an extramarital affair is revealed. this morning we've learned congress may still call petraeus to capitol hill to sort out what led to the deadly attacks in libya. tracie potts is in washington with why petraeus' private life has become so public. >> reporter: multiple federal officials tell nbc news the fbi
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investigation began with a complaint from jill kelly of tampa who with her husband is a close personal friend of petraeus and his wife. kelly complained she was receiving anonymous e-mails from someone she did not know. officials tell nbc news those e-mails led to the discovery of others between general petraeus and paula broadwell that were indicative of an extramarital affair. previously broadwell spoke publicly about her access to the general. >> i was embedded with general petraeus in afghanistan and it was a little confusing for some of the folks there because i'm also a military reservist with top secret fbi clearance so a lot of my former peers didn't know how to treat me. >> reporter: the general is not under investigation. he has resigned and spoke with through his spokesperson on saturday. >> he said he had an excellent job, a great relationship with the white house. in his words, he screwed up. he knows it. >> reporter: now nbc news has
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confirmed petraeus conducted his own investigation on the ground in libya. congress is beginning hearings into that deadly attack and may still ask petraeus to testify. >> apparently there are videos and there are tapes and pictures and things that can be shown, so it's -- it is not going away. >> there were five attacks during the year. one prior attack on the consulate itself. the question i have is, you know, why wasn't something done about it? >> reporter: general petraeus may have answers if he testifies, now as a civilian. and let's clarify, this is not a criminal matter. general petraeus was head of the cia but there's no indication that national security was at risk. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. it is 4:35 right now. americans across the country today honoring the nation's veterans. today marking the monday observance of that holiday, saluting those who put themselves in harm's way for our
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country, safety and freedom. city council, state and federal offices will be closed today. most banks and libraries will also be closed to salute the holiday. yesterday there were a number of ceremonies and parades to honor local veterans. nearly 2,000 people gathered in castro valley to remember and pay tribute. this year was especially important to many because the castro valley veterans memorial was officially unveiled. strike up the band in san francisco. market street was closed off for the annual veterans day parade. this year's event featured a salute to veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan, but veterans from at least six wars participated. for the first time this year a contingent of homeless veterans actually walked in the parade. on that note an advocate for the homeless says bay area residents would be very surprised to know just how many of the people living out on the streets have also fought for our country.
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right now the number is about 12% and it's growing. many homeless people are struggling simply to keep warm. >> realize that they're human beings like we are, that we have a responsibility to them. they gave their lives or part of their life, a year or two, three or four, maybe a limb or their sight. what can we give back to them? give them their dignity, talk to them, take a moment. >> he adds people should take some time not just on veterans day but any day to acknowledge the sacrifices these men and web have made for all of us. 4:37. the recent cold and wet weather has helped kick off an early ski season across southern california. check this out. skiers and snowboarders enjoying opening day this weekend, the earliest open of the season in a long time. mountain high opened with a foot and a half of natural and man made snow. now up near lake tahoe, bo real is already open.
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squaw valley will open the day before thanksgiving. the sierra received about 28 inches of snow over the past few days. >> wow. excuse the celebrating. >> i ordered a new ski jacket this weekend. >> this one likes to get on the slopes. it's 4:38. let's check in with christina loren. it's chilly. i walked out this morning and rather brisk. >> rather brisk this morning. yeah, you'll need that heavy winter coat as temperatures are pretty close to freezing. not quite as cold as it was yesterday or saturday morning. we topped out in the 60s just about all weekend. today that's going to be the case as well, so not much difference in your afternoon highs, but the good news is it's not as bitter frigid as it has been. 36 degrees in livermore, good morning to you in san mateo. 42 degrees to start. stop the clock at noon, temperatures still holding on to the 50s but you will be able to ditch that jacket for a couple of hours. as we head through the second half of the day, the warmest day
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that we've seen in quite a while in almost five days. 65 in livermore, 65 in santa teresa, 65 in redwood city and we've got more rain on the way. we'll detail exactly when and where. good morning at home, folks. this time a look for san mateo northbound 101 with these headlights underneath the 680 interchange and a light, easy volume right now. however, on the maps i've been seeing the last ten minutes there's been a yellow zone where i've shown you the arrow. north 101 typically slow later on in the commute. light volume again and we'll track that. 880 heading into the same area, no incidents there. we do have an incident reported southbound 101 right around fair oaks in sunnyvale. i'll track that. no lanes reported blocked but there was something going on there. we'll check out if there are any issues regarding that earlier accident through the south bay. palo alto, 101, easy, right drive. not a lot of cars on the roadway and no construction crews blocking any lanes all the way
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up into san francisco. we'll look at the san mateo bridge as well. you can see the high rise in the distance. light volume of traffic in the east bay and the approach as well. it's a monday but a holiday monday. we'll see a different flow today. >> thank you very much, mike. it's 4:40. finding parking in san leandro is about to get a lot easier. a new downtown parking garage is opening today. it's located at the corner of estudillo avenue and east 14th street. >> not bad, all right. 4:40 right now. the new move the president is trying to make to deal with the fiscal cliff. plus a bay area tech company getting ready to take on ticketmaster. we'll have details in a live report. a plane from oakland skids right off the runway as it lands in denver this morning. we'll let you know what investigators are saying about this incident. i love the concept of mentoring because you're really able to
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make a difference in the life of one young person. my mentor is a role model for me. she told me about all the opportunities that there is in life. she has transformed into an amazing young woman, and i feel so fortunate to be a part of that. i think a mentor can really open the eyes of a young person to all the possibilities that are out there for them if they just go after their dreams. so get involved and do your part, invest in the future,
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mentor a child. welcome back, everyone. a good monday morning to you. look at the port of oakland all lit up. very pretty for a port, don't you think? >> very nice. one of my favorite ports. >> certainly very cold. christina says bring a jacket but she teased us telling us we
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could shed it later in the day. 4:44. president obama plans to meet with labor and business leaders this week as congressional leaders work on a solution to avoid the looming fiscal cliff. the white house says the president will hold meetings with the business community on wednesday and labor representatives on thursday. congressional leaders will hold their first fiscal cliff meeting with the president on friday. economists have warned that if congress cannot reach a solution to avoid the automatic tax increases and spending cuts that will take effect january 1st, it could plunge the country into another recession. stubhub stepping up and getting ready to go head to head with the big boys. plus the fiscal cliff is affecting the markets. for those details and more we turn things over to seema mody live at cnbc headquarters. good morning, seema. >> reporter: very good morning to you, happy monday, guys. futures are higher right now as the markets come off another down week. the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 all
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falling 2% last week in the wake of the presidential election and rising concerns about whether congress can reach a deal to avoid, as you guys said, the fiscal cliff in january. that's when a slew of tax hikes and federal spending cuts are set to take effect. there's no economic data out today and the bond market is closed for veterans day, but we do get data reports this week on retail sales, inflation and several stores reporting earnings, giving possible clues about the upcoming holiday shopping season. the dow closed up four points to close at 12,814 and the nasdaq rose 9 points to close at 2904. aeg is teaming up with stubhub on a new ticket service that amsz to rival ticketmaster and live nation. aeg is the owner of more than 100 venues worldwide including the staples center in l.a. starting next year customers shopping for tickets will be able to buy or sell them on
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stubhub. they make money by charging commissions on each sale. aeg will collect an unspecified amount on each transaction. i'll leave it there. >> thank you very much. we'll check back with you a little later on. we want to check the current temperatures right now because a chilly start to our morning, christina. >> frosty the windshield might be out there if you're waking up in places like livermore. you've got to love this time of year, the christmas songs on coit. yes, we love the winter season as it's starting to feel like winter around here. temperatures are going to be cool today. you'll need that jacket quite a bit of the day but you can ditch it by 1:00, 2:00 p.m. so we're talking about some showers lingering to our north. you can see that at the tippy top of your screen. those will move into the north bay tonight into tomorrow but we've got a tail end of a system of low pressure that's going to move through. it's mixing up our atmosphere enough keeping that fog from forming and we have clear conditions out there. as we head throughout the day today, temperatures will be nice. we'll see a little cloud cover
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for the first part of the day and clear you out throughout the second halftime of the day. a few showers come through. as we wake up on wednesday morning, beautiful, clear conditions. we have another shot for those showers friday, saturday and sunday. keep that in mind. rain on the way as you're trying to make your weekend plans. 65 in livermore, 64 in fremont, 65 in santa cruz, comfortable conditions down there. if you want to hit the beach, it's going to be cold but pretty. nice and clear out there on the sands of santa cruz. we'll warm up into the 70s. as we head through tuesday and wednesday, then the rain arrives friday and saturday. the good news is we haven't seen the 70s in quite some time. personally if you had to run your heater, you can give it a break. hope you two are as well. >> always. thank you, christina. it's 4:47. two people are dead, four others hospitalized after eating wild poisonous mushrooms. they were in a soup served in an
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assisted living facility near sacramento. the woman who made the soup is a caregiver there and also one of the four people that got sick. investigators say she didn't know the wild mushrooms were poisonous. some neighbors even cut the mushrooms down as a precaution. >> these button mushrooms, or even the great bigged to stools that are real big, you can't eat those. those are poisonous. we cut them down here at our place because the dogs get them and they can get sick. >> the california department of public health has warned against eating wild mushrooms for years an every year hundreds of people get sick or die after eating mushrooms they have picked themselves. a scary scene in this next story. the faa trying to figure out why a southwest plane from oakland slid right off the track in denver right off that runway. we have pictures posted on twitter by a passenger on the flight. the plane slid off a taxiway as it was headed to the gate saturday evening.
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this morning investigators say the pavement was wet but it wasn't icy and snow was not sticking to the ground when that plane arrived but actually hard to believe here, nobody on that flight was injured. the race for a seat on the san francisco board of supervisors gets even tighter after the election. norman yee and f.x. crowley are competing to represent district 7. as of last night yee led the race by just 20 votes. election officials are examining provisional ballots by hand so it could be a few more days pr the final count is in. in berkeley, two controversial measures appear to be losing by a slim margin. measure t, which would allow taller buildings and more development in west berkeley was trailing by 426 votes out of almost 45,000 ballots cast. and measure s, the proposed ban on sitting on the sidewalk was losing by about 1400 votes. also in that election controversy brewing in georgia over something that happened at a polling station last tuesday.
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turns out r & b superstar usher got special treatment on election day. this is obviously an event elsewhere. the long lines in atlanta, the officials allowed usher to jump to the front of the line. they said they did it to avoid him being there a very long time and becoming a major distraction to the other people in line. the people in le said that's not a legitimate excuse. the road to nowhere and the cross country commitment that has the ncaa stepping in to make sure a stanford student's dream comes through. and the mlb getting ready to hand out the big awards for the season and one bay area rookie is right in the middle of it all. and a look at fremont where traffic moves nicely on the nimitz freeway. we'll look at the peninsula, a couple of things to report over there coming up.
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welcome back, everyone. live look san francisco this morning along the embarcadero. a nice, cool morning. grab a jacket before you head out the door, but you can shed it later. 4:53. a stanford cross country runner is doing something so incredible his talents have the ncaa thinking about bending its rules a bit. student athletes are not allowed to fly on private jets but the ncaa deciding whether to let the student do that. here's the dilemma. he's a rhodes scholar.
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his team is also competing in cross country championships down in louisville on saturday, the very same day he needs to be at a very important meeting with the rhodes selection committee nearly 2,000 miles away in seattle. the only way he can run and make that meeting is by private jet. originally stanford senior decided he would run this weekend and skip that meeting and give up the chance at the rhodes scholar, but now he may ultimately be able to do both. we'll keep you posted. >> don't give that up, what an honor. 4:54. the mlb will hand out some major hardware this week. it will announce who has won the league's largest awards this week, starting with rookie of the year. the a's have a player up to the american league title, up against mike trout. the winner will be announced at 3:00 p.m. >> look forward to that, good luck to the kid. right now let's talk it over to our mvp. roads, mr. mike inouye.
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>> yeah, roads scholar meaning i study the roads. looking over here to the high rise and the approach to the peninsula. you know what, it's just fine. light volume with the headlights in your commute direction. in commute right now. look over to 92 right here where it connects with 280 on the maps and we do have reports of a deer that was hit and is blocking the slow lane right now. no updates in the last 20 minutes from chp so you might find a traffic break heading south down toward 92 through the san mateo highlands. also in that same area just north, north 280 at truesdale an earlier car fire. chp hasn't given us an update so you might have the slow lane blocked heading up into san francisco. i'll continue to track this. in the north bay, a light, easy drive around the curves at terra linda. a smooth drive out of novato but it's got to be cold there, okay. it looks cold. i'm cold. >> go find a little space heater
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then. this weekend more than 100,000 daredevils and stones gathered at mccovey cove for the annual competition in san francisco. it's so crazy to watch. it sends human powered contraptions off a tall barge. more likely to plunge than fly. oh, that one made a little air. competitors were judged on creativity, showmanship and flight time. this year's winner, team november. they not only soared a whole 54 feet but also were raising awareness about prostate cancer. >> it's got to be a little cold out there, huh? nice work, everybody. on the east coast people will soon have their eyes on the sky for some real flying objects. macy's testing out three new balloons this weekend for the upcoming thanksgiving parade. papa smurf, elf on the shelf and how about -- there's elf on the shelf and little hello kitty. he's doing his triple somersault
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dismount. all three will make their debut appearances in the parade and the balloons being tested for arrow dynamics, buoyancy and lift. macy's wants to make sure they'll actually float properly down fifth avenue. this year marking the 86th annual macy's thanksgiving day parade. guess what, good news, you can watch it right here on nbc bay area on thanksgiving morning starting at 7:00 a.m. sharp. papa smurf looking good, not aging. hey, it's 4:57. a lot more ahead. stick around.
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good morning, i'm bob redell live here in hayward where one family is grappling with the question of who killed their 19-year-old son and left his body here at this abandoned body shop. that story coming up. and just in time for veterans day, a new housing facility opens up for homeless disabled veterans. i'm christie smith. we'll tell you where coming up in a live report. and baby,


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